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Tips For Improving Your Conversation Skills

Some people seem to have endless things to say, while others struggle to sustain a conversation for more than two sentences. Each of us is different in this regard.

Introverted people often struggle with extending conversations beyond introducing themselves and exchanging pleasantries.

There are plenty of strategies that can help anyone improve their conversation skills!

The number of things you can say is greater than you think. However, even if you don't, you can learn how to get others to speak!

Keep any conversation going with these strategies:

Greet people. First impressions are important. Say hello and introduce yourself. Be friendly and smile. It's best to repeat the other person's name so that you'll remember it.

Tell people about your interesting life. If you lead an interesting life, you will never run out of conversation topics. Take the time to enjoy life so that conversations become less of a burden. Have a few good stories ready to go. Think of some interesting stories ahead of time. Your answer might be something you recently experienced, something you learned from reading the news, or even something you experienced in your childhood. Put your phone away. You don't want to be interrupting someone when they're talking. You can live without it for a few minutes. You want to be respectful and let the person finish what they have to say. Just let it out. Do not censor yourself. Being crude is rarely the best choice, but being too polite or politically correct is boring. Your personality comes across as a bland, follow-the-rules type. Be yourself and express yourself. Be a good listener. Conversations are more enjoyable when people are paying attention and listening. Give your complete and undivided attention to your discussion partner. Stay focused and maintain good eye contact. I guarantee it will greatly increase your conversation skills. Be curious. Being curious keeps your mind off yourself. As you sit down with someone, decide to learn as much as you can about them. Without being too pushy, ask questions and find out as much as you can about them.

Enter group conversations. Even if everyone is already engaged, there are still ways to include them. Check first before interrupting someone when you see two people talking. Wait for an opportunity to make an appropriate comment when speaking to large groups.

Keep it brief. Leave people wanting more. Learn to excuse yourself tactfully by mentioning that you need to speak with someone or get something to eat. Let people know that you appreciated meeting them or hope to see them again soon.

Ask open-ended questions. Don't ask questions that can be answered in a few words. The conversation will last longer this way.

Let’s consider a few examples:

  • Closed-ended: Did you go camping last weekend?

  • Open-ended: What do you like about camping?

  • Closed-ended: Do you enjoy travelling?

  • Open-ended: If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?

  • Closed-ended: Where were you born?

  • Open-ended: What is your best childhood memory?

Look to your environment for ideas. Your immediate environment is rich with conversation topics. Some examples include: The weather The people around you Architecture The artwork on the walls The music The food The trees and flowers Anything you can see, hear, smell, taste, or touch Smile. You appear more inviting and less intimidating when you smile. You'll feel more confident, too. And those you're encountering will respond more favourably to you as well. Practice. Practice is the key to becoming good at anything. People all around you can help you. You can always find someone to talk to on the internet. Talk to someone at least once a day. Talk to both someone you know and someone you don't know.

Relax. Treat each conversation as an enjoyable diversion. Stop seeing other people as competitors. You don't need to impress anyone. It is not necessary to hit any specific milestones in order to feel good about your interaction. Simply enjoy yourself and let go of expectations.

  • Your ability to converse with others will increase if you can relax during your interactions with others. Everyone enjoys being around relaxed, confident people.

It is imperative to have good conversational skills. People enjoy engaging in meaningful conversations with others. It's also hard to undo the first impression, and people often have their first impression of you during their first conversation.

Conversation skills can have a huge impact on your social life, career, and relationships. No matter what you think, this is an important skill. Even if you're not naturally chatty, you can learn how to never run out of things to say. The ability to converse easily with people is a learned skill and one that you can get better at with practice.

Regards, PaulaCareer and Personal Growth Coach

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