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Job Search Strategies For Recent Graduates

If you're looking for your first career move after completing your graduate studies, there are a few things you need to remember. Job searching should be started as soon as possible. By looking for a job as soon as possible, you will have a better chance of finding a job that suits you. But where should you start? What should you look for when searching for a graduate job? It is important to remember that success doesn't come easily - you need to work hard.

This blog provides useful tips for helping you find a job after graduation.

Avoid Limiting Your Job Search To Just The Internet

The Internet has changed the way we live and work. It has also changed the way we search for jobs. However, as a graduate, it is recommended to use a variety of job search strategies to maximise your chances of success in finding employment. The skills of graduates are highly valued in the employment market, so don't be afraid to explore your options and take advantage of the many resources available.

Continue to employ other methods to find a job while you are waiting for responses from your first few applications:

  • professional or trade journals

  • career fairs on campus

  • virtual career fairs

  • direct to employer

  • informational interviews

  • individual employer websites

  • social media

  • industry networking meets and presentations

  • local job centre

  • careers service bulletin

  • graduate directories and magazines

Job hunting is a long process that requires patience and perseverance. It is easier to deal with if you break it up into manageable chunks. Write down what you need to do daily and stick to that list. This will keep you on track and help you stay focused!

Have you tracked all your job search progress? Try a different approach! If you've been getting zero results in your job search, consider changing your method of approach. Try applying a different angle to your CV, cover letter, and interview techniques.
Job search strategies for recent graduates video clip

Woman going to a job interview.

Identify The Companies Where You Would like to Work

When looking for a job, target the companies you would like to work for. This means doing your research and discovering what these companies look for in their employees. Also, consider reading up on their company news and ensure your CV and cover letters are appropriate for that company.

Decide whether you work better in a big company or a small one.

Where do you want to work? In an office or working from home?

Would you like to work for a famous company with good benefits and a salary?

You improve your chances of getting hired by targeting the right companies. This will make you stand out from the other candidates and can impress the hiring manager. Be realistic and target companies you honestly have a chance of being hired by. There is no point in applying to any company if you do not have the skills and experience they require.

Graduate Job Schemes

Graduate schemes are an excellent opportunity for students to complete their apprenticeships and qualify in their relevant fields. The schemes are like internships and apprenticeships but are more specialised for the company you work for. A graduate scheme will begin with a three months internship called an Insight Development program. This means you will work full time on the job you are training for 8 to 9 months. After this, the company will decide if they want to take you on in the long term. So, there are many opportunities for progression in most graduate schemes.

If you're interested in finding a job, here's what you can do: First, check out the websites of companies you'd like to work at. Many companies have graduate job schemes, and they may recruit employees right now who can bring fresh perspectives and creative ideas. Additionally, look into government-sponsored schemes.

Many graduate schemes have different deadlines throughout the year, with higher demand during specific periods. Keep track of the deadlines of your top picks, so you don't get them mixed up and miss your first choice.

Graduate networking online.

Networking Is Essential For A Graduate To Succeed.

The most successful graduates are those who have been able to build connections. The key to networking is to not think of it as a way just to meet new people but as an opportunity to learn from each other.

You will need to have a clear goal in mind when looking to meet new people. Are you looking to build your career? Or are you looking to make friends with people who can help you with your education or plans?

Networking can help you meet people in your field, learn about job openings, and get expert advice from other professionals in your field. You can network online through LinkedIn groups and Meetup Group events offline.

LinkedIn groups make it easy to connect and build professional relationships. You can join relevant groups and network with people who work in the same industry. Get tips and recommendations from experts in your field by asking others for advice.

Meetup groups are a great way to meet offline. Those interested in a certain topic or activity can organise events for people in their area to come together and network. As you meet other people and share your experience with the group, you may find you make a few new friends and even find potential clients or future business partners.

Be prepared to attend an assortment of networking events. When attending networking events, ensure you are prepared to talk about something that interests you. The goal is to meet as many people as possible and find potential business opportunities.

How to write a graduate CV.

Write Your CV and Cover Letter to a Graduate Standard.

A graduate CV and cover letter is the perfect opportunity to show potential employers what you can offer them. It's your chance to shine and show them that you're the right candidate for the job. However, you need to make sure that your CV and cover letter are up to standard before sending it off. Essentially, it should be tailor-made for the position you are applying for, with no spelling or grammar mistakes, appropriate layout, formatting, and relevant content.

Your CV

Your CV should be no longer than two pages and should be written clearly and concisely.

Your Contact Details

The only information you need on a CV is your name, town, email address, and phone number.

Work history

You need to include the dates you worked for the company, the job title, the name of the business, an overview of your responsibilities, and two or three achievements you gained while you worked there.


You'll need to list the skills you've gained throughout your education, work history, and training to make yourself a strong candidate.


List some of your accomplishments from university and your work experience. Employers need to know about your accomplishments to determine if you would make a good hire for their company.

Qualifications, Accreditations and Licenses

CVs must include qualifications, accreditations, and licenses relevant to the position.

Cover Letter

A cover letter should not exceed one page and should be concise and brief. State why you are the best candidate for the position, why you should be considered, and why you are interested.

*Need help with writing a CV, Cover letter or your LinkedIn About Me - click here

Woman graduating from university.

A Graduate Must Be Professional.

Be professional at all times, not only in your appearance, body language and communication but also in your work ethic and ability to solve problems. After graduating from university, you may be confident and knowledgeable about the things you studied, but it is important to learn about your future workplace and industry before you enter it. Being prepared will give you an edge over your competition and colleagues.

You need to be aware of your appearance and behaviour outside of work as well as your work and how you interact with your coworkers. This is because your personal brand is what people will remember and associate with you.

As a graduate job seeker, you'll want to ensure your social media content relates to your audience and will help your brand be more visible. Besides building relationships with your followers, use social media to engage them. For example, you can post updates about your job search, share articles about the industry you're interested in, or post tips about job interviews. By engaging with your followers, you'll be more likely to build a strong relationship with them, which can help you land a job or graduate position.

Keep In Touch With Your Classmates.

Ask them about their experiences with their current employer. How did they land the job? How did they manage their time? What were the significant challenges they faced during the interview process?

If they had questions about the company, what were their answers? What made them apply for the job? Did they receive any feedback from the interviewer? What did they do to improve their chances of being hired?

Remember to check in with your classmates for a friendly chat or to meet up for a coffee. They may appreciate having a break from job searching and having a laugh. You know, it's always important to keep up those morale-boosting and networking activities!

Put Your Social Media Accounts To Work.

Finding your dream graduate job can be hard, especially if you feel like you're doing all the right things! There is a wide range of aspects that go into finding a good job, but you can streamline your job search by showing off your personality and skills via social media! Link to a LinkedIn or Twitter account in your cover letter and use your social media accounts to showcase your skills and experience. Make sure your social media is well managed to give you a better chance of getting the job!
What Can I Do With These Social Media Accounts? Create a professional profile on LinkedIn to increase your chances of being considered for a job. You can include a link to your website, your resume, and/or a link to your social media profiles. Make sure to follow people in your industry on Twitter. Follow companies, universities, and other groups you'd like to work for. Check out the followers of the groups you join. If they're well-known and reputable, they'll have high numbers. Add your pictures and videos to your profile. Use them to show off your personality and skills. Share links to interesting articles and posts about your industry. Use them to share your expertise and opinion on the latest developments within your sector, ask about job opportunities, or simply engage with your followers.

Leverage the power of LinkedIn.

Leverage The Power Of LinkedIn.

The power of LinkedIn is that it allows you to connect with the people who matter. It is an excellent platform to network and builds your brand. LinkedIn has been around for a while and has evolved into a powerful tool that allows you to share your professional life with anyone.

You can connect with the people who matter and make new connections. To increase your visibility, you can also post your resume on the site, and recruiters can find you. You can also search for jobs based on your skills and experience. You can also connect with companies on LinkedIn. Connect with companies that are hiring or have a reputation for responding to graduates. You can even apply for jobs through the site.

For graduate job seekers, it is important to complete all the relevant sections in your profile, ask for recommendations, build at least 500 connections and add companies to update news feeds.
Take Charge Of Your Graduate Job Search. First, follow industries or fields of work that interest you. Second, proactively search out employers, don't wait for adverts, or rely on recruitment companies. And third, contact people who already do the roles you want. Ask them how they got there, what the job is like and whether any opportunities are coming up. Have regular schedules so you can devote time to job search activities. Know Your Industry's Job Market Trends When looking for a job, it's important to know the market trends. That means knowing what companies are hiring, what skills they are looking for, and what the application process is like. But it's difficult to keep up with all that information when you're also trying to focus on your job search. One way to make sure you have the most current information is to read up on the companies in your field. This includes reading company websites, researching their products and services, and checking out their social media pages. Doing this will help you understand the available jobs and how to apply for them. It can also better show you what the company culture is like. Knowing what the company values, you can showcase your values in your job applications and interviews. Consider subscribing to an industry publication or business newsletter is a great way to stay current on what's happening in your field. By doing so, you'll see what new trends are emerging, learn about upcoming changes, and hear about any opportunities or challenges that may be ahead. Another benefit of subscribing is that you'll have access to expert advice and insights from people who are already successful in your industry. This can be extremely valuable as you continue on your career journey. How to Find Out About Your Career Sector? Your career sector is defined by the jobs available in your area. You can discover the different industries by searching online or talking to your friends who have worked in similar jobs. You could visit career websites and speak to career advisers or coaches to find out about your career sector. Alternatively, you can search online for the job market or hiring trends. Northern Ireland: UK: UK: USA: India:

Graduate using job websites to look for graduate roles.

Use Job Websites To Search For Graduate Roles

Generally, this is the first place that most graduates look for work. On most job websites, you can find job postings using keywords or the site's search function. Keywords can include something related to your job sector, job title, skills, location, etc. However, if you are searching for graduate vacancies - "graduate" must be used in the search bar.

Job websites can give you a wealth of information like current salary, types of skill sets, who are recruiting (the organisations), job criteria, and even company culture. They are, without a doubt, one of the most valuable tools in your job search arsenal.

There are dedicated websites for graduates such as Milkround,, Prospectus, Brightnetwork, Save The Student, JobsGraduate, Getmyfirstjob and Debut. It is advisable to upload your CV to the job website as many recruiters pay a fee to access their database in search of potential recruits.
Continue To Develop Your Employability Skills Employers are always looking for job-ready candidates. One way to ensure that you are a job-ready candidate is to continue to develop your employability skills. Employability skills are the skills you need to be successful in the workplace. They include things such as communication skills, problem-solving skills, and teamwork skills. One way to develop your employability skills is to attend workshops and training courses. These workshops and courses can help you improve your skills in areas such as writing, public speaking, and computer literacy. They can also help you learn new skills, such as project management or leadership skills. Another way to develop your employability skills is to get involved in extracurricular activities. Activities such as volunteering or participating in clubs and societies can help you build important teamwork and problem-solving skills. Volunteering is a great way to get involved and gain experience in your desired field.

Man and woman practicing a job interview.

Practice Your Interview Skills

As a graduate, it's important to consider your career and what steps you need to take to prepare for the workforce. One of the most important things you can do is practice your interview skills.

Many recruiters use interviews to screen candidates and determine who is job-ready. The best way to prepare for an interview is to understand the questions that may be asked and practise answering them. Also, research the company and be prepared to discuss why you are interested in working for them.

The best way to improve your interview skills is to simulate an interview situation. This can be done by recording yourself answering questions and then reviewing the tape. You can also ask a friend or family member to act as the interviewer and give you feedback.

If you are nervous about interviewing, try talking to someone else about their experience or watch a video on how to prepare. Remember, the best way to improve your interviewing skills is by practising!

Don't Be Afraid To Contact Employers Directly.

If you are applying for a job, there is no harm in sending a personal email to the hiring manager asking for more information about the position. Most managers will appreciate your interest in the job, and you may get a better chance of being hired if you ask for a phone or in-person interview. It shows that you're interested and job-ready and have taken the time to learn about the company and the role. Plus, it allows you to ask any questions about the job or the hiring process.

Be sure to keep your email or telephone short and to the point, and avoid being too pushy or needy. Always follow up with a formal application if you're still interested in the position.

If you send a CV to a company by email, attaching a cover letter explaining why you are applying for the job is important. Including a short bio about yourself and a list of your skills and accomplishments is also helpful.

Woman graduate talking to a recruitment consultant.

Reach Out To Recruiters

Graduates looking for a job should use recruitment agencies. Some agencies focus solely on finding graduate jobs, while others also deal with other employment levels. Finding an agency that understands your needs and has the resources to help you find the right job is important. Recruitment agencies have connections with many employers and can help graduates find the best job for their skills and experience. They can also help with preparing CVs and cover letters, and with preparing for interviews.

Recruitment agencies can be found online. It is important to research different agencies and compare their services before selecting one. The best way to find a good recruitment agency is by talking to friends and family who have used them in the past. They can recommend an agency they trust and had a positive experience with.

Building a good relationship with recruiters will help you get the most from your time with them. Some ways to do that include staying in touch, being responsive, and being polite. It's also important, to be honest with them and let them know about your skills and what you're looking for in a job. Doing these things can create a positive relationship with your recruiter and make the job search easier for both of you.

Speak To A Career Professional

A career professional can offer impartial and confidential advice on a huge range of issues related to work and careers. They will have experience in helping graduates, so can provide you with tips on how to make the most of your skills and experience. They can also help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses and advise you on the best way to market yourself to employers. You can develop a strategy with them to find the right jobs and companies.

If you are about to graduate, contact your university's career advisor for assistance. After graduation, you may not be able to access your university career adviser, so you may want to contact your local employment office's Career Advisor. You can receive free support and assistance from them.

Career Service NI

National Career Service (England)

Career Wales

Skills Development Scotland

However, if you want to remain motivated, it would be worth investing in a career coach.

A career coach can help you determine your skills, interests, and goals so you can find a job or career that's right for you. Moreover, they can provide you with resources and coach you on how to use them when searching for a job.

The support and accountability of a career coach can also help you track your milestones and stay on top of your goals as you progress in your career. You can ask your friends or family for recommendations, or search online for career coaches in your area. Explore platforms like,, Upworks, and Career Development Institute.

Female graduate presenting herself to an employer. Personal branding.

Brand Yourself

You have to let the hiring manager know your brand, but it's also true that you must let them know what it is. You need to let them know that you are the person they want to hire for the position and that you can fill the position. If you don't let them know about your brand, then they will never know.

Personal branding clarifies your professional values and career goals. The best way to stand out from other candidates is to show the hiring manager your unique talents and strengths. It's important to let them know who you are before you meet in person because you can't tell what they'll see when they look at you. Make sure that your LinkedIn profile, Twitter account, Instagram profile and other social media profiles are consistent so they reflect your personal branding.

Related blog: Boost your career with personal branding. Click here.

Remember That You Are Not Alone In Your Graduate Job Search.

It's common to feel lonely or inadequate when you're adjusting to post-university life and the ups and downs of job hunting – especially if several of your friends have secured jobs. Try not to compare yourself to others, because everyone's experience is different: they might go into a less competitive career sector or have known what they wanted to do from an early age.

Even if they seem more confident, your fellow job-hunters may feel similar to you. The important thing is not to give up and to keep trying until you find the right job for yourself. Friends and family are great resources during your job search but don't forget to look into professional associations for information. Career development centres at your university, or alumni groups, can give you more than just job advice – they can also give you insight into the career path you should take, what companies look for, and even whom to contact at a particular company.

Stay Focused

It's easy to get side-tracked while job searching. Between the online applications, networking events, and informational interviews, it's easy to lose focus. However, staying focused is key to finding a job that is the perfect fit for you.

When you take the time to research potential employers, target your job search, and personalise your applications, you are more likely to find a job that meets your needs and interests. Additionally, by focusing on your job search, you will have more time to devote to networking and building relationships with professionals in your field.

These relationships can prove invaluable as you move through the interview process. Finally, remember that a successful job search takes time. Don't be discouraged if you don't find a job right away – keep up the hard work, and soon, you will be celebrating your new career!

Regards, PaulaCareer and Personal Growth Coach

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