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Showing posts from June, 2024

Leadership - How to Transform Your Career and Influence Others

 Leadership - How to Transform Your Career and Influence Others.     Introduction. At points in our careers, we can feel the need to lead, whether by taking on a management role or setting an example for our colleagues. Leadership is a valuable skill that can help us advance in our careers and positively impact those around us. Leadership is a blend of art and science that can significantly impact your career and personal life. This article delves into leadership essentials, exploring whether leaders are born or made, the advantages of being a skilled leader, qualities shared by great leaders, what leaders provide to others, why introverts can be effective leaders, how to build leadership skills, different types of leadership styles, and offers two online leadership assessments you can take. Are Great Leaders Born or Made? The debate over whether leadership is an innate ability or a learned skill has been ongoing for centuries. While it's tempting to believe that some people are ju

Discover Your True Calling: A Guide to Finding and Pursuing Your Purpose

Introduction In the journey of personal and professional growth, understanding and pursuing your true calling can be the key to unlocking a fulfilling and impactful life. As a career coach, my mission is to guide you through discovering and embracing your purpose, setting meaningful goals, and living a balanced life that resonates with your deepest values. Let’s explore how you can awaken your true calling and transform your career and life. Audio to blog. Understanding Your Purpose. Purpose is more than just setting goals; it’s a profound sense of direction that fuels your actions and decisions. It's the compass that guides you through life's challenges and triumphs. Purpose gives meaning to your efforts and helps you stay focused and motivated even when the going gets tough. Unlike goals, which are specific and time-bound, purpose is an overarching vision that continuously inspires and drives you. Finding Your Passion. Discovering what you’re passionate about isn’t as elusive