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Showing posts from July, 2023

Getting Yourself Back Up After A Career Break

Introduction. Embarking on a career break can be both a daunting and liberating time, whether chosen voluntarily or brought on by unforeseen circumstances. It can sometimes feel like you're venturing into uncharted territory, uncertain of the future. However, this can also be a golden opportunity for self-improvement and growth. The secret to success lies in navigating this period with a resilient spirit, a level-headed approach, and a meticulously detailed plan. In this blog, we'll explore the crucial components that contribute to successful reintegration into the workforce after a career break and discuss the inevitable trade-offs and how to handle them effectively. Your Career Break - A Springboard for Reinvention and Growth. Rather than viewing your career break as a daunting abyss, see it as a time of personal evolution. This could be the perfect opportunity to pick up new skills, rekindle dormant passions, or focus on familial responsibilities. Countless people have found