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Showing posts from January, 2023

New Year's Resolutions: Making and Keeping Them

New Year's Resolutions: Making and Keeping Them The majority of us rarely keep our New Year's resolutions. Your resolutions may be too ambitious, which makes them difficult for you to keep. Maybe you give up because you don't see immediate progress. Whatever your reason, you can adjust your approach until you achieve your goals. If you want to keep your New Year's resolutions, you must first learn how to make ones that you can actually keep. Determine how you will achieve your dreams by making effective resolutions that support you and guide you toward your goals. By creating small, continuous victories, you can create unstoppable momentum. Consider what kinds of changes you really want to make in your life. Would you like to lose weight? Quit smoking? Return to learning? Become a blogger? Whether it is big or small, there are many things you may want to accomplish. The first step to getting them done is to start. Choosing Realistic Resolutions Whenever you have a b